Florida Instructional Materials Center for the Visually Impaired

The 2025 Florida Braille Challenge season is starting soon! Visit the event page for more information and registration deadlines.

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FIMC-VI Mission

To promote the success of Florida's students with visual impairments by providing free, high-quality accessible instructional materials in a timely manner and providing teachers, administrators, families, agency personnel, and others with resources and opportunities for training and professional learning.  

FIMC-VI Vision

Striving for access and success at the highest levels for ALL students with visual impairments.

Who We Are

FIMC-VI is a statewide resource center designed to assist schools in obtaining specialized materials for students with visual impairments. Established in 1972 by the Florida Legislature, FIMC-VI is an Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)-funded state project maintained by the Florida Department of Education, Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services (BEESS).

Who We Serve

FIMC-VI provides services to students with visual impairments enrolled in Florida’s public and private schools as well as those students that are home schooled.  

FIMC-VI also supports all teachers, school administrators, and agency personnel working with Florida’s K-12 students with visual impairments.


Are you interested in being a teacher of students with
visual impairments in Florida?

Visit our Teach in Florida page to learn more!