Florida Instructional Materials Center for the Visually Impaired

Loan Library

Refer to the Loan Library List to see available items.  Please utilize your resources and/or check with others in your district prior to ordering from this list. Use the following form to complete your request: Loan Library Request form

Loan Library materials vary in length of loan. All items are only available for trial for data collection. 

  • Assessment materials such as WRAT 5 and KeyMath may be checked out for 60 days.
  • Professional materials such as Foundations of Education or the Art and Science of Teaching Orientation and Mobility may be checked out for 90 days. 
  • Assistive Technology may be checked out for 60 days for trial purposes. If you require support or training on how to use a device, please contact Andrea Wallace
  • SmartBraillers and Polly's may be checked out until the end of the school year. 
  • Extensions may be available upon request.

​​​Unsure which video magnifier or refreshable braille display to trial? Check out the video magnifier comparison chart and the braille display comparison chart to view the variety of features on devices that are available for trial through our Loan Library.

If you have any questions, please contact Colleen Mulcahey or Andrea Wallace.

Loan Library Demo Videos

Need to know more about braille displays, JAWS, and AT Assessment? Visit the Past Events page for recorded webinars addressing these topics and so much more!

Demo and Introduction to the CloverBook Pro and CloverBook XL


Foundation Books Overview

Unboxing and Demo of the APH Jupiter


CVI Resources

Overview of Features Needed for the Florida Braille Challenge and Florida Cane Quest. Victor Reader Streams are available for loan!


Multiple Disabilities and/or Deafblindness