Florida Instructional Materials Center for the Visually Impaired


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   Registering Students

Before textbooks and APH materials can be ordered for a student with visual impairments, the student must be registered with FIMC-VI.  This can be done at any time throughout the school year and ideally would occur immediately after a student is staffed into your district or agency.  To register a new student, the teachers of the visually impaired (TVIs) must be authorized by their administrator using the Staff Authorization or Removal form.

Even students who have transferred from another Florida district or agency must be registered by your district or agency.  Please note that a student may only be registered with one district or agency that receives APH quota funds. 

To view all criteria for student registration, visit our Eligibility page. 

Once a student is approved and assigned an FIMC-VI student number, the TVI can use the Online System to order materials for that student.

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  Annual Census

According to the 1879 Federal Act to Promote the Education of the Blind, FIMC-VI must conduct an Annual Census of every student who is visually impaired in order to participate in the Federal Quota Program at APH. 

This census occurs every year in January, and ESE and agency directors are notified when the Annual Census is open.  These directors authorize staff to update their students in the Online System

If all students are registered with FIMC-VI prior to the Annual Census, then authorized staff will only need to make any updates to the information.  However, students may also be registered with FIMC-VI during the Annual Census.

All eligibility forms and the parental permission to share student information with FIMC-VI and the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) will be kept on file with the district.